This is something I wanna share with my dear readers. This is my comment to Kata Tak Nak's blog post on Apostasy in Islam. I have added some things in here that is missing from the comment. What is written in there might offend some people but some people will agree with me. That is the part and parcel of life today which I have resigned myself to live with. There is a touch about Lina Joy's case in here. I think it is wise to learn from what has already happened. Read it up and do give me some feedbacks about the topic.
Spring Fairy
Hi, Kata Tak Nak…
I’m just an observer of this post and some of your reader’s comments caught my attention. As no one actually pointed out these, please allow me to do so. I’m not here to give theological debate but I am going to point things out with common sense. My Muslim friends told me this before, “God gave us a brain to think, to be able to judge the good and the bad in this world.” So, why don’t we analyst these comments with openness and common sense, okay???
- Mr. X (01 June 2007 21:17)-
Mr. X,
I’m not here to be biased or whatever you might think (sorry if I’m defensive but I need to make myself VERY clear that I am not here for a fight) You said too much has been said, commented and reported about the Lina Joy case; and wish to stop giving her and Christianity anymore publicity because you alleged that it is what the enemies of Islam wants. However, ARE you sure whether or not that is what the enemies want??
What do you mean that she didn't follow procedures??? She did follow the procedures! If you have forgotten, she has lawyers to advise her on such matter. This is not a trifling matter that we are talking about here that her lawyers would omit to tell her about the most important of things to do. She has already been declared a murtad the first time. This time her application is only to have the word "Islam" dropped from her Identification Card. So, if she is already a murtad, then why not drop it ?? Also, as she is already considered a murtad, she is no longer obliged to obey the Syariah Court, which is the Court for anything Muslim. Isn't she already a murtad so why to the Syariah Court? It is the civil court that should make this decision instead of pushing it to the Syariah Court. Don't you think so???
I would like to point out that by having people to comment and report about the Lina Joy case, it is a good and constructive way for people to voice their opinions about the Constitutional Law that we have been using for the past 50:44 years since our Independence, as we never got a chance to actually sit down and think about the current Constitutional Law that we have been using for the past 50:44 years. I’m not spreading propaganda here but my honest opinion about it. Why 50:44?? 50 years for the Peninsular and 44 years for Sabah and
very politic of lina joy
first she committed murtad and escaped punishments
second, she dares enough to chellange the authority that guards the souverignity of islam
third counts, she manipulated sympathy on the ground of human right and made islam looked bad and rigid
in the actual fact, we all know that lina is liable for punishments for all the wrongdoings and kurangajarness she committed.
- ahm(01 June 2007 23:07)-
What do YOU mean that it is very politic of Lina Joy that she committed murtad and escaped punishment?? I don’t see any political connections between wanting to convert. Also, punishment for wanting to convert?! Don’t you think that is too much?? To convert is one thing but to punish a person for converting IS against the grounds of Human Rights because it is stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in article 18; where by
Everyone has the RIGHT to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, which includes freedom to change his/her religion of belief, and freedom, either alone or in a community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
If you want to punish someone for converting, you would have already committed a crime in the PEOPLES eyes and in God’s eyes! Why am I bringing in God? This is because you and I believe that God is a loving God who loves all His Children and I don’t think God would want us to hurt each other. Your accusation that she made Islam look bad and rigid.. Well.. I beg to differ because the talks of wanting to punish her and all IS the main contributing factor on WHY Islam is looked upon with a bad light and is considered rigid by people. So, instead of accusing her of making Islam look bad, don’t you think you should reflect on it yourself first? Therefore, in actual fact, Lina is NOT to be held liable for punishments for the “wrongdoings” and “kurangajarness” you alleged she committed instead it is the PEOPLE who judge people based on their actions whichL goes against the norm; who are supposed to be held liable. Don’t you think so??
Dear anonymous.
-Chocobo (03 June 2007 13:55)-
When you said that she was afraid of nonexistent things; do you think she, being already made aware that her struggles will be a tough one, not be afraid? There are a lot of things to be put into thoughts. I.e. her family, her friends and all will shun her for her daring act. Did she falter?? No! So, instead of condemning her, she should be praised because she is doing something she believes is right in her context. As to the understanding of Islam by the non-Muslims, we all know that Islam is an understanding religion and we are not narrow as you make it. We all grew up in
You are sooo right in what you say chocobo! Saya dah rasa tak tahan bila orang bukan Islam sewenang-wenangnya mencaci-maki agama Islam. Bukan kebebasan beragama yang dicari oleh Lina Joy dan kumpulan penyokongnya-ada niat busuk disebaliknya. Orang-orang Islam mesti sedar,jangan ikut emosi nak bunuh sana-sini,Islam adalah rahmatan lil-alamin,ajaranya bukanlah untuk mementingkan(ego) diri sendiri,golongan sendiri,ajarannya adalah untuk mencurahkan kasih-sayang,keselamatan dan kedamaian kepada seisi alam semesta.Lina Joy sudah pun murtad dan ramai yang mempergunakan dia untuk kepentingan dan agenda yang lebih besar.Mereka cuba mencabar Islam sebenarnya dan sejak zaman rasulullah s.a.w. lagi perkara begini telah berlaku.
- safia tajul alam (13 June 2007 23:38)-
This is one fact you have to accept whether you like it or not, that THERE will always be people looking at another religion in a bad light. It’s a sad fact that we cannot avoid. I have to point out that is VERY bad conduct to speculate that what Lina Joy and her supporters have bad intentions when all they say is, let her change the religion that is stated in her Identification Card. It is good that you are saying not to simply kill but speculating that her group has another agenda is not nice because you will sow seeds that might cause mistrust among the religion. They are not challenging Islam actually but simply saying, “Let her change her identity.” As simple as that because it is NOT her identity as she is no longer a Muslim. So, why let the Islam be left in her Identification Card??? Do I make sense to you?? I hope I do because the Non- Muslims are not taking sides with anyone based on religion but we see things based on logical reasoning. You said there that Islam is to bring love, security and peace to the whole world but by speculating, are you helping to bring peace to the world or sowing seeds of distend among the people of Malaysia???
Kata Tak Nak, Safia, Chocobo, Ahm and Mr. X,
I don’t mean to sound preachy or whatever but these is my 2 cents worth. If you disagree with my points, which you have every right to, please feel free to voice your opinion. However, I would hope that next time if there are comments to be made, the religious believes of the other readers should be taken care of. It’s a 2 way thing. You respect other people’s religion, we will respect yours back. I know you guys are wise enough to know that because I believe you all to be VERY, VERY, VERY much older than me and therefore should be the shining example to the youngsters today. So, why don't we work to make that happen instead of squabbling on who is right and who is wrong. Don't you think so??
that's one really long comment! :D agree with you there, well like i mentioned to you before, humans tend to act on behalf God in giving out punishment etc. If God knows and understand everything as it is proclaimed then why bother explaining actions and reasons for him? :)
Exactly.... Even it is said that you shall not judge because God is the one worthy to judge us
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